Grow your career by prioritising what matters to you

Jo Morrison
4 min readAug 1, 2019

Rocks, sand and water

Feeling over burdened, out of control or simply tired from trying to cram everything in?

Imagine a jar.

Imagine three rocks as your foundation for success.

What are the things that are most important to you to create or keep your ideal life? What’s your sand? (that creeps in between)… now dump in water in the form of more ‘things to do’ and fill it up. If you don’t control the flow, it’ll overflow and create an unpredictable mess.

We know the world moves fast. Prioritising ourselves can feel selfish.

Self care is not selfish. It’s impossible to care to for others in a sustainable way unless you are taking time and space to look after yourself. I’m not talking about whole days or even weeks necessarily. If you are balancing family, job, partners, kids, dogs and others who need you then it’s probably more that carving out one hour a week for yourself feels challenging!

Stephen Covey and others have used this analogy many times before. I have my own take on it. If you don’t decide on and put your ‘big rocks’ in your own jar there will simply never be room for the things you want to prioritise. This applies in both personal and business goal setting.

Not quite what Stephen said, but you get the idea!

How coaching can help

Coaching helps you define your rocks for both your business and personal jar, and also how you’ll go about prioritising the things that fill the rest. We do this through working out what you want your priorities to be then coming up with strategies to support the outcomes you want.

When I coach you we are focused on you. So when we speak, you don’t have to choose your language to avoid offending friends, family, partners or your manager.

I ask questions, we’ll speak frankly, we’ll create a personal strategy that gets you closer to where you want to be.

Leading by example

The more senior you are in your career the more you can influence, set or direct priorities. You also set the example for any team you lead. When they see you leaving on time for dinner or working remotely to accommodate your family needs, but still getting what needs to be done completed effectively, it empowers them to make healthier life choices.

Create a powerful team and be in-demand as a leader

A team that has great personal relationships and understands the importance of self-care will be a team that gets unwell less often, trusts each other, can think on their feet, has lower turnover and enthusiasm for innovation and change.

To come up with solutions, do your best and most broad-thinking work you need to be able to roam more freely, find inspiration and work smarter rather than longer.

Set the standard

If you are working your way into a senior role it’s a great time to be clear on what matters to you. There will always be distraction, competition and people trying to derail you. When you’re clear on your rocks it’s easier. When you start a new job or role you can set the expectations in advance; people know you go to the gym three times a week at lunch, you pick your kids up from school on a Tuesday and Thursday, or you only commit to travel once a month. The standard you set is the standard you can get stuck with. A company does not own you. They will not pick up the pieces if you lose your family, health, or alienate your friends because you haven’t made self-care and strong relationships your priority.

Business Aligned Goal Setting

Do you know what key projects align with your manager’s desired outcomes for the business — that help them achieve their KPI’s or strategic priorities and grow the business?

Think of these “big rocks” then write them down as SMART goals, discuss them and get your leader on board — it can be a win-win.

Personal Aligned Goal Setting

Imagine your ideal day, how do you begin? Read more in my free 7-day Action Plan.

Create your ideal life through coaching


My clients want to build business, career, financial and personal success. Coaching is available worldwide.

To find the program that fits your goals, first decide what problem you are most motivated to solve.

Career Growth Coaching will help you find the perfect role, negotiate a raise, return to work or your plan career trajectory.

Practical Personal Coaching will help you review, reset and achieve goals related to your finances, health, relationships or purpose.

Sole Founder Coaching will help you break down and prioritise tasks to make your start up life less overwhelming.



Jo Morrison

Stuck on the Next Steps for Your Work-Life? Online Coaching, Creative Thinking, and Practical Steps for Your Success