Writing a new life story for your 2020

Jo Morrison
4 min readNov 19, 2019


If you imagined yourself as someone else who would you be? What is it about their life or status that you view with a touch of envy or desire?

“A story gives us a vibrant and rich framework within which to re-think our life’s passage” Nigel May Barlow from re-think.

I want to share a technique I have used personally to great success.

It’s a kind of magic where you see yourself as the person you want to be, write the story and both intentionally and seemingly by accident you find things happening that lead you closer to being the person you are in your story.

Get comfortable with pen and paper and imagine your best self, the person you are on your best day, or wish you could be more regularly, living your ideal life.

Step 1: Start with a quick list

for example…
In my ideal future day I enjoy…
- Better health
- A promotion at work
- Creating more money
- Building my business
- Quality sleep
- Beach time after work
- Peaceful personal relationships
- Reading my kids stories
- Less screen time
- Family dinners at the table

Step 2: Now let the story flow

You’ll be amazed how quickly the words flow if you’re open to telling the story of your ideal life. It’s your tale you’re telling, let the words just flow. Write it down, or describe it out loud and record it on your phone.

This is just for you, so don’t self-edit or over think it. Start BIG, you can always edit for reality or achievability later on!

We all love to find out how a story ends

After you write the story you’ll find a magical thing starts to happen, you will subconsciously and consciously take action to become the person in the story.

Doors will open

You become aware of what you are doing, what action you take (or don’t take) rather than dawdling along in a mental fog of overwhelm and day to day to-do lists.

This is your dream, why wouldn’t you want your life to be more like that?

Story of your ideal day

Start your story at the time you ideally wake up. Maybe you wake up an hour earlier to work on your business or read something that will help you in a meeting you have later in the day? You make your bed. Perhaps take a walk. Or you plan to leave earlier to allow yourself a more peaceful commute or to walk to a train station further away from home. You take the time to prep a healthy brekkie and lunch to enjoy at home or work.

The more colour and movement you add, it will help the story feel real. If you are able to see it like a movie in your mind, the more effective it will be.

Work meetings go well and to time. Maybe you feel inspired to exercise after work or visit a friend or family member.

You’re on track to read two chapters of your start up, business or career focused book or do some writing. Perhaps family is your priority and you’ve decided to read to the kids, get them to read to you, or get into a calmer school prep and bedtime routine

Winding Down

You’ve avoided a YouTube binge (high five!) and put your phone on night mode. Imagine you’re on the couch listening to a podcast, your meditation app, music, etc. You write down a few more ideas in your journal to clear the clutter from your brain before you head into your bedroom to sleep.

Your bedroom is a relaxing, clutter-free space. It’s quiet, there’s a soft reading lamp. There’s no TV, there’s a fiction novel you read for a while. You might set the alarm to hit an earlier gym class as you’re heading out with friends socially tomorrow night.

Create your day intentionally to suit your inner night owl or your chirpy morning bird

Managing kids and a household adds a layer of complexity, but how can you make it work for you? If you need a partner or co-parent on board with the plan then share it with them. We all know kids won’t necessarily operate to a timetable but they can be slightly more predictable when there is a routine!

Go Go Mojo Coaching Steps

Next Steps

Re-read your vision each week. You’ll find the magic happens as you consciously and sub-consciously start to take steps towards your ideal life. Stuff that doesn’t really matter to you will start to fall away and be replaced by the things that motivates and inspires you to achieve your dreams.

You can do this for yourself, simply re-read what you’ve written regularly and edit your story any time you like! But if you want to get support to get to your future life faster, coaching provides ideas and resources for building momentum and success.

Chat Soon,





Jo Morrison
Jo Morrison

Written by Jo Morrison

Stuck on the Next Steps for Your Work-Life? Online Coaching, Creative Thinking, and Practical Steps for Your Success

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